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The Nagoya ProtocolObjective
  • Conservation of
  • Sustainable
  • Fair and equitable
    distribution of
    benefits arising from genetic resources


A supplementary agreement to the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), chosen at the 10th Conference of Parties (COP) to the CBD (Oct. 2010)

Main Content

  • Access to bio-resources require a prior informed consent (PIC) from the country of origin
  • Benefits arising from the use of genetic resources and related traditional knowledge are to be shared based on the mutually agreed terms (MAT)
    • (Financial benefits) Royalties, access fees, joint possession of intellectual property rights, etc.
    • (Non-financial benefits) Sharing of R&D results, participation in product development, joint research, etc.
  • Preparation of domestic laws and Installation of more than one checkpoints (inspection agencies) to monitor the adherence to the protocol
  • Parties to the Convention 196 countries(+EU)